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河北专接本英语一日一背:作文+单词 电视与社会

来源:接本达人专升本 发布时间:2019-12-12 查看次数:18008
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With the ever-increasing speed of technology development, television, a widespread means of recreation for centuries, has applied a soaring number of advanced technologies to it, making it far more intriguing. Nevertheless, what kind of influence television has exerted on our society has aroused heated discussion in public. There is a part of our citizen claiming that television has wasted our time and spoilt the promising future of children, whereas I am firmly convinced that television has brought about profound changes to us.

First and foremost, the leading factor that hits me is that television provides a brilliant source of information. Not only can it bring a great deal of information in a comparably short time, but it may also enable us to acquire new knowledge visually and acoustically, taking advantage over other media.
Apart from that, what is more important, watching TV is a better way of recreation and entertainment. While watching TV, people invariably gain a sense of relaxation. According to a recent survey conducted by National University of Taiwan, 60% of the participants argued to relax themselves by watching TV series or animations and this did relieve their pressure effectively. After mentioning this example, conclusion easily comes to light that watching TV is a great approach to releasing pressure.
Admittedly, television does have its drawbacks such as its characteristic of alluring students into watching TV series and out of finishing their homework, making students addicted to it. Notwithstanding, when compared with its advantages, these demerits fall into secondary. What is more, for those people with self-abnegation, those disadvantages cann’ t be a problem.
From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that the positive effect TV exerts far outweighs its deleterious impact; it is suitable to consider television as one of the most preeminent inventions in history. I advocate that everyone should be encouraged to get access to it and make full use of its potential, making our vision wider.







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