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河北专接本英语一天一背:作文+单词 集体运动 Team Sports

来源:接本达人专升本 发布时间:2019-11-24 查看次数:19608
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Nowadays, P.E classes have become indispensable in students’ lives. It’s popular for students to play team sports. Some people say playing team sports can be a waste of time, it should be abolished. However, in my humble opinion, playing team sports has a lot of benefits. For instance, it can help students to mould their character, learn self-discipline and improve social ability. What’s more, it can help students to keep healthy.
First of all, when parents send their kids to school, they want the young to learn knowledge, and also make friends. Playing team sports can offer this kind of opportunities; it will help students to promote their communication abilities. During the games, they need to convey their thoughts and make themselves understood. It is also a good way to make friends from the same or different teams. When the students graduate from school, the friends they made today might probably help them out of trouble tomorrow.
Second, to win a game could be tough sometimes. It takes courage, determination and persistence to win. Realizing these will help students to mould their personalities. When they lose, they need to know this is not the end; all they need to do is to start all over again. When they win, they should know this is the result of teamwork. The team sports let students to share happiness and sorrow. Such experience will help them to build confidence and learn self-discipline. A good personality will be the key to future success.
Last but not least, we all know what a healthy body could bring to us. When the students look for a job, a nice shape body can improve their self-confidence. Developing a habit of playing team sports can also reduce pressure and keep fit. After refreshing themselves, they can devote themselves to the job with great enthusiasm and fully enjoy the life. Without a healthy body, there would be no wealth or success to speak of.
Playing team sports dose help students to be successful in life to some degree. Through team sports, they learn to communicate with others, they learn to be strong and be a positive person. And they have healthy bodies. And all of these are the foundations of success.







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